
Nielsen Fixations




Nielsen Fixations

312 Nielsen Fixations

313 Nielsen Chart

This activity builds visual motor integration, the ability to fixate, and peripheral/spatial awareness. It is simple and appropriate for all ages. It can easily be loaded/un-loaded to suit any skill level.

Material: Download and print 313 Nielsen Chart.pdf. You can also print or simply preview 312 Nielsen Fixations.pdf, the instructions. You might also want a Metronome for loading and un-loading this activity.


  1. Review printed instructions.
  2. Follow the instructions as written. You should ensure the child is able to understand the instruction and perform the task in its simplest form prior to loading it.
  3. You can give the child a colored pencil or marker for tracing the circle so they can more closely track their own accuracy. Have them make a few circles with a colored line while fixating one of the targets as outlined, then stop. Let them self-critique and try to do it better the next time using a different colour.
  4. It is important to keep the child properly fixating upon the various targets as you do the activity.


  • • Step 4 of Phase II suggests a balance board. If you don’t have a balance board, you can simply as the child to do the activity while standing on one leg (alternate legs), and while holding one arm out/up, etc.
  • • Be sure to have the child use the non-dominant hand every now and then (perhaps every 5 – 10 tries) for at least a few attempts.
  • • Try using the Metronome. Start slow (it’s sometimes harder to do this sort of task slower), perhaps 30-40 bpm, then speed it up 10-15 bmp at a time to keep the level of stress/challenge high. The child should try to complete one full circle per beat.
  • • If the exercise is too difficult, allow the child to do it slowly with his finger first, then add the coloured pencil. Try setting the metronome to 30-40 bpm and allow her to watch her finger as it traces through the circle, one revolution per beat. Then, have him do the same rate/speed while fixating the central target. Next, try with a coloured pencil at the same rate while fixating the central target.
  • • Try the exercise with one eye covered. Then alternate eyes.


312 nielsen fixations313 nielsen chartactivityfixationperipheral awarenessvmi

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