Three In A Row


Three in a Row



VISUAL ANALYSIS IV – Visual Memory 3 & 4

PURPOSE: To help your child use strategies for improving short-term visual

sequential memory.

PROCEDURE: Place 3 objects on the table in front of your child (such as a coin,

key, and pencil) or draw forms on paper (such as a square, circle, and triangle).

Step 1: Have your child verbally identify the objects while directly viewing them,

going from left to right.

Step 2: Rearrange the sequence of these 3 objects while they are hidden from your

child. Allow your child to look at the objects for 5 to 10 seconds and then hide them

again. Then ask for the exact sequence of the 3 objects. If your child does not

remember the exact sequence, allow him or her to look at them for another 5 to 10

seconds. Repeat as necessary until child gets it right.

Step 3: Once your child can do the above procedure well, increase the number of

objects to 4, 5, and then 6. You can also increase the complexity of the task by having

your child describe details about the different objects. (For example: “What was the

color of the key?” “What type of coin?” etc.)


Three in a row Instructions

This is a simple yet fun exercise to build visual memory skills. It can be ‘played’ anywhere, any time, and is a great way to build visual skills while passing time. The exercise is also easy to load/un-load and so can be modified for any age and level of skill.

Materials: Download and print, or simply preview the attached document.


  1. Follow the instructions as outlined in the attached document.
  2. Always observe how quickly/slowly the child responds. This should be a fairly easy task at first, then you should load it. See below.


  • • Start with 3 simple objects, or even two if 3 is too difficult.
  • • Use simple objects to begin with (simple shapes, simple colours), then move to more complicated things like figurines.
  • • Gradually increase the number of objects and/or increase the complexity of the objects, but not both at the same time.
  • • Give ample time to study the objects at first, then reduce the time.
  • • Always make the activity a little more difficult at each step, but be sure the child can easily succeed at any level before loading it further.