Letter Find
PURPOSE: To be able to find easily reversible letters (such as b or d) among a series of distractors. The client should be comfortably seated (see ‘Visual Hygiene‘). This activity reinforces laterality and builds visual search skills.
PROCEDURE: First, have your child explain the difference between b, d, p, and q using spatial directions. For example, b is different from d because the bump is on the bottom and right side of the stick. Once your child has a consistent strategy for describing the orientation of each letter, he or she can begin the worksheet. On the worksheets, circle all the target letters that are specified at the top of each worksheet.
VISUAL SPATIAL III – Directionality 3
PURPOSE: To be able to find easily reversible letters (such as b or d) among a series
of distracters.
PROCEDURE: First, have your child explain the difference between b, d, p, and q
using spatial directions. For example, b is different from d because the bump is on
the bottom and right side of the stick. Once your child has a consistent strategy for
describing the orientation of each letter, he or she can begin the worksheet. On the
following worksheets, circle all the target letters that are specified at the top of each