
Connect the Shapes


Connect the Shapes Worksheet 

Purpose: To build visual discrimination skills, VMI, and bilateral control.

Material: Download/print the attached documents. Chalkboard/whiteboard, paper, pencil, crayons, chalk/markers.


1.  Draw two vertical columns of simple, matched shapes or figures, but vary the position of the like figures within the column so that the same shapes are not opposite each other.

2.  The child is instructed to select a figure in the left hand column and draw as straight a line as possible directly to the matching shape in the right hand column.

3.  For variation:

a. Orient the figures or shapes in horizontal rows, and at other angles.

b. Create patterns to bematched on the basis of size, same shape but different sizes, but perhaps with two or three different shapes involoved as well.

c.  Color matching of shapes (and sizes) can be done with crayons or colored chalk.

d.  Create patterns, similar to the worksheet provided, with less obvious relationships, such as a bee on one side and a flower to match with it on the other side.  Or, a car on one side and garage on the other.

Aspects to be emphasized:

1.  Visual prediction or selection of correct matches.

2.  Accurate control of hand and arm movements in the various directions required to connect the shapes.

Other notes:

Do the activity at a whiteboard/chalkboard so that the child must be standing, with arms outstretched.  Repeat the activity sitting at a table using paper/pen/pencil.

Be sure to have the child use the non-dominant hand 10% of the time.

You may find this all too simple for older or more mature clients, but it is important to attempt the activity to ensure sufficient mastery of the skills prior to moving on to more difficult activities.



bilateral controlconnect the shapesvmivsp

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