
Materials: Download and print the attached document: Coding


  1. Follow the instructions on the attached document.
  2. Coding is based on the following table where each letter is represented by a row and column reference. So, for example, A1 is ‘C’, and D4 is ‘X’.
  3. There is a list of words attached. You are to specify the ‘code’ to the child for a series of words. That is, tell them the combination of row/column references for each letter in the word.
  4. The child is to seek the letters corresponding to each code, say the letter, then tell you what word the letters spell.


  • • If the child cannot do remember the letters, have them write them down on a paper.
  • • If the child cannot tell you what the word is, try to sound it out to them and have them repeat it to you, but don’t spend too much time on this, move on to the next word.
  • • If the child is quite comfortable with the exercise, you can encourage them to go more quickly. For this, you will simply tell them new ‘codes’ more and more quickly, or as fast as they can handle it.
  • • If the child cannot do this activity, choose something easier and revisit ‘Coding’ in a few weeks.


From the worksheet:

PURPOSE: To develop the ability to recall visually presented materials and to manipulate these images mentally.


Each letter on the Coding Activity worksheet has a letter-number coordinate or code. In the example above, the code A1 stands for the letter C, the code C3 stands for the letter B.

Step 1: Place the Coding Activity worksheet on a wall approximately 5 feet away. Name the code for individual letters and have your child name the corresponding letter.

Step 2: Next, have your child identify simple words that correspond to a particular coding sequence. For example, in the worksheet above, “What does the code A1 B3 C2 spell?” Answer: CAT. The child is not allowed to write down any letters but should maintain the image of the letters by using visualization strategies. Encourage the child to make a “picture” in his or her mind to help remember the letters. Once all the letters are found that spell out the word, the child can call out the word. Work up to 4- and 5-letter words, depending on the child’s reading level. The attached word list can be used for the 3-, 4-, and 5-letter words.

This activity is designed to build visual search, accommodation (focusing range and accuracy), saccades (jump movements), letter and word recognition. Coding is also helpful in developing abstract processes related to language.