Parquetry Phase 1


Parquetry Phase 1 Wksht

Purpose:  To develop accurate visual-tactile matches of spatial orientation with geometric patterns.

Materials:  Parquetry blocks, book stand, several sheets of blank 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper.


1.  BOX TO PATTERN:  The box of parquetry blocks is placed on left side of desk.  A pattern different from the block design in the box is placed to the right side of desk.  With alternate hands, the blocks are placed one by one by the patient directly on the proper position on the pattern until completed.

2.  PATTERN TO BOX:  Following the completion of Step #1, the blocks placed on the pattern are shifted to the left side of desk and the empty box is place to the patient’s right side.  With alternate hands, the blocks must be removed by the patient one by one and placed in the box in exactly the same position that it held on the pattern.

3.  BOX TO DESK:  Following the completion of Step #2, the pattern previously used is placed on a book stand in an upright position on patient’s midline, across the desk.  The box with the blocks, arranged in the same design as the pattern, is placed to the patient’s left.  With alternate hands, the blocks must be removed by the patient from the box one by one and placed on the desk (without the benefit of box or pattern in which to place blocks) in the same position they held in the box.  The resulting block design should be the same as the pattern on the book stand.

4.  SCATTERED BLOCKS TO BOX:  The pattern remains on the book stand.  Scatter the blocks over the desk.  Place the empty box in front of the patient.  The patient must copy the pattern facing him, placing the blocks in the box one by one with alternate hands.

5.  SCATTERED BLOCKS TO DESK:  When the previous level is completed, the blocks are removed from the box and scattered over the desk.  The box is removed and the design pattern remains on the book stand.  With alternate hands the patient must construct the pattern with the blocks, placing them, one by one, on the desk in front of him, without the benefit of the box.

6.  OUTLINE PATTERNS:  Using the patterns in the set as a guide, draw or trace a series of outline patterns utilizing three, four or more of the parquetry shapes.  No internal lines are to be shown.  Under each such pattern, indicate both the number and the shape of the parquetry blocks which will be needed to fill the outline appropriately.  Make one outline pattern per sheet of 81/2 x 11 inch paper.

Aspects to be emphasized:

1.  Accuracy of block placement.

2.  Smooth altenate use of hands.

3.  Visual approach vs.  trial and error