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Van Orden Reading

  Purpose:  To develop a wide peripheral field while reading. Materials:  Reading material Procedure: Two pages of a novel are…

Ball, On Back

  Purpose:  To develop smooth ocular pursuit ability under minimal postural demands. Materials:  Ball on string from ceiling Procedure: 1. …

Ball on String, Pursuits

  Purpose: To develop smooth ocular pursuit ability under varying postural demands. Materials:  Ball on string, balance board, two dowels…

Closed Eye Rotations

  Purpose:  To help develop awareness of ocular positioning and movement without recourse to seeing and to pattern this awareness…

Combined Saccadic and Pursuit Fixations

  Purpose:  To develop an efficient interplay between central and peripheral visual localization abilities. Materials:  Two small fixation targets (such…

Flashlight Activities

  Purpose:  To organize eye, hand and body movements in visually directed and monitored spatial operations. Materials:  Two flashlights Procedure:…

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