Ball, On Back



Purpose:  To develop smooth ocular pursuit ability under minimal postural demands.

Materials:  Ball on string from ceiling


1.  Have patient lie on the floor face upward.

2.  Suspend a ball on a string about two feet above the patient’s face and slowly rotate the ball while he follows it with his eyes.

3.  Start with small circles and gradually increase the size of the circle.

4.  Alter clockwise and counterclockwise rotations.

5.  Patient is NOT to move head.

6.  If possible, change distance of ball from eyes by slowly raising and lowering ball while it swings.

7.  Patient points at ball and feels that his arm is leading the ball.

Aspects to be emphasized:

1.  Smooth following of the ball with eyes.

2.  Recognize the feeling in the arm of leading the ball, even though not in contact with it.

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