Visually Coded Movement

Visually Coded Movement

PURPOSE: Learn how to use VISION as a directing device for cognition and movement by introducing reading, but not for reading per se

APPARATUS: 3″ x 5″ index cards, chalkboard


1. Teach child a set of directional words: jump, hop, skip, crawl, roll, draw, etc.  Print these words on individual 3″ x 5″ cards.

2. Practice exposing a card and have child execute the movement indicated. Say the word aloud at first.

3. Then put individual sentences on the chalkboard that communicate specific movement directions for child to execute.

Jump 3 x (arrow pointing up) (Jump three times forward.)

Roll 4 x (arrow pointing right) (Roll four times to the right.)

Draw 5 squares.

Hop 5 x R (Hop five times on right foot.)

Hop 4 x (arrow pointing down) (Hop four times backward on left foot.)

4. The word part is read to him and he is to interpret the rest of the directions for movement by himself, then execute the movement.  As he learns the directional words, he is to figure out the entire sentence himself.

5. The goal here is for child to learn that the question being asked of him is, “What does this tell us?” and not, “What does this say?” It also does not request, “Let’s read this.”  He must learn that these symbols convey information to him, that each communicates a specific kind of movement.

6. As child develops performance in this routine of visually directed movement, the sentences should be enlarged:

Hop 3 X (arrow pointing down) and jump 5 x (arrow pointing left), etc.

From here he may be given three consecutive movement directions to carry out, again directed by the visualizing process.

7. Next, reverse the roles in this routine.  Give the child the task of creating some directional “sentences” on the chalkboard.  The home assistant is to carry out the directions, with the child deciding if the correct actions were executed.  The instructions should occasionally be followed incorrectly (intentionally) to give the child the opportunity to discover that a mismatch has been made between his written instructions (a product of his visualization) and the subsequent movement pattern.


1. When word recognition is good on the action words, use a flash card technique of quick exposure.  Prior to exposing the card, say, “Ready – Now,” then quickly uncover and recover the word card.