Risk Assessment: Quick Dx


Introduction – As a species, I doubt we evolved specifically to end up using computers, smart devices, and other sustained near-point activities. The signs of visual strain are common, but often go undetected or ignored. Use this tool to do a quick assessment of risk for yourself or your child. If the result shows further care is indicated, you will almost certainly feel the benefits of comprehensive vision care. Like the most comfortable pair of shoes you’ve ever worn; applied to vision, this means a whole new world of comfort and freedom that can only be lived to be truly appreciated. You owe it to yourself and your child to pursue optimal visual function and health. Remove the obstacles to living and learning: It’s a kind and prudent thing to do.

Quick Assessment Tool

  1. Print this list off. (See Attachment).
  2. Put a mark beside each item that applies to you or your child.
  3. If the results indicate a likely problem, call 403-933-5552 or write info@dvvc.ca to book an appointment. This is especially important if you are a student or work with books, paper, or computers.
  4. Bring this paper with you to the appointment.
  • • Children: Have any concern of learning or reading disability. Counts as 21.
  • • Skip lines while reading or copying
  • • Lose your place while reading or copying
  • • Skip words while reading or copying
  • • Substitute words while reading or copying
  • • Reread words or lines
  • • Reverse letters, numbers or words
  • • Use a finger or marker to keep place while reading/writing
  • • Read very slowly
  • • Poor reading comprehension (unless read to)
  • • Difficulty remembering what has been read
  • • Low reading tolerance, can only read for a brief time
  • • Hold your head too close when reading/writing (within 7-8″)
  • • Squint, close or cover one eye while reading
  • • Unusual posture (head turn/tilt) when reading/writing
  • • Headaches following reading/computer work
  • • Eyes that hurt or feel tired after close work, like phone use or crafts
  • • Feel unusually tired after completing a visually intensive task
  • • Double vision: Up and down (vertical)? Side to side (horizontal)? Both (diagonal)?
  • • Notice vision blurs at distance when looking up from near work (or the reverse)
  • • Have crooked or poorly spaced writing
  • • Notice that print seems to move or go in and out of focus
  • • Have poor spelling skills
  • • Notice that letters or lines “run together” or words “jump” when reading
  • • Misalign letters or numbers
  • • Make errors when copying
  • • Have difficulty tracking moving objects
  • • Notice unusual clumsiness, poor concentration
  • • Have difficulty with sports involving good hand-eye coordination
  • • Have an eye that turns in or out, up or down
  • • See more clearly with one eye than the other
  • • Feel sleepy while reading
  • • Dislike visual tasks requiring sustained concentration
  • • Avoid near tasks such as reading (with children, they might fight you on homework).
  • • Confuse right and left directions
  • • Become restless when working at a desk
  • • Find you must “feel” things to see them
  • • Experience carsickness, especially when reading while a passenger in a moving car
  • • Experience unusual (frequent or forced) blinking
  • • Experience unusual eye rubbing
  • • Experience dry eyes
  • • Experience watery eyes
  • • Experience red eyes
  • • Have eyes that are bothered by/sensitive to light


• 15-20 points total = Possible functional vision problems

• 21-30 points total = Probable functional vision problems

• Over 30 points total = Definite functional vision problems

• 15+ total points = Functional vision evaluation recommended