Mirror Superimposition




Mirror Superimposition

Purpose: To stimulate simultaneous binocular respoonse

Apparatus: Hand mirror


1. Patient stands to the side of some bright, highly visible target like a flashlight, a window, a picture on the wall or a TV picture.

2. Hold hand mirror at a 45 degree angle before the eye on the side nearest the bright target.  Lightly rest the mirror against the side of the nose.

3. Adjust the angle of the mirror so that the bright target to the side is seen in the mirror.

4. The reflection in the mirror should be seen as though it were out in front, superimposed on objects in the room directly in front of the patient.

5. Patient should become aware that two things are now seen in the same place–the bright target reflected in the mirror seen by one eye and the objects straight ahead in the room seen by the other eye.

6. He is to try to keep seeing both targets simultaneously.

7. He rotates the mirror slowly and places the projected target on different objects in front of him.  He learns to move it right and left, up and down.

8. For variation, tack a sheet of red and a sheet of green construction paper at eye level on adjacent walls at a corner of a room.  Each sheet should be about one foot from the corner.  While patient stands facing one of the sheets and directly opposite the other sheet, he repeats steps two through six, placing the colored paper seen in the mirror partially, and then wholly, upon the sheet directly in front and observing the color mixing of the red and green.

9. Repeat all steps with the mirror held before each eye in turn.

Aspects to be Emphasized:

1. Ability to see with each eye simultaneously.  If mirrored image tends to disappear, try jiggling the mirror.

2. Ability to see the mirrored image as if it were out in front.

3. Ability to see the red and green colors blend and mix.