What the Classroom Teacher Can Do




What the Classroom Teacher Can Do

1. Permit verbal answers instead of visual-motor (writing).

2. Avoid prolonged visual attention at near by breaking assignments down into smaller amounts at one time.

3. Allow multi-sensory support.  Present everything at far, near, visually, auditorily, tactually, etc.

4. Give the children REAL, TOUCHABLE things before presenting abstract idea.

5. Children with figure/ground confusions can’t handle too much material on a page–reduce the confusion.

6. Watch the children’s papers for decreasing quality of work, or accuracy of responses.  This may indivate a visual problem.

7. Encourage the children to work at a chalkboard to reinforce large eye-hand coordination.

8. If spelling tests are written, have the children practice by writing.  If this does not help, try oral tests.

9. Use “Experience Reader” to help child learn that reading and stories are “talk” written down.

10. Encourage proper eye task distance while reading and writing.  Watch for one-eyed performance for stress (tight pencil grip, head tilt, covering one eye, etc.).

11. Demonstrate proper pencil grip and arm position.

12. Be sure the “awkward” and “clumsy” children get involved in motor development.

13. Switch to cursive.  It doesn’t demand separate fixation and allows for visual and tactile flow.

14. Question consistent behavior, especially if it is not what is expected.

Activity Sheet Enclosures:

1. Proper Chalkboard, Properly Used for item 7 above.

2. Spelling with Touch and Visualization for item 8 above.

3. Experience Reader for item 9 above.

4. Pencil Grippers for item 11 above.

5. Visual Hygiene Precautions and Suggestions.