Visualization Golf

Download: Visualization Golf

Purpose: To develop the ability to create a mental image of a form that is no longer present visually. To develop spatial-motor mapping awareness.

Procedure: Have the client sit at a table with one page of the paper golf course in front of her. She looks at and studies the golf course to become aware of where the obstacles/traps are and the location of the putting greens with respect to the tee. She places her pen/pencil on the first tee. Allow her 5 to 10 seconds to study then she must close her eyes. Immediately she should draw a stroke indicating the path of the ball – she should ideally make a ‘hole in one’ by drawing an unbroken line between the tee and the hole at the other end of the golf course. Once the stroke is completed, she can open her eyes and remove the pencil from the paper. Let her study the scene once more – she should place the pencil at the end of the previous stroke and after 5-10 seconds, draw another stroke which should ideally end up at the hole. Keep a count of how many strokes it takes to get from the tee to the hole.


*If a stroke ends in a hazard/trap, she should start by moving the starting point of the next stroke to a point located outside of the hazard (that is, back on the fairway).

*The client can repeat the entire course, or individual holes, using a different colored pen/pencil.

*Try loading the task by reducing the time she has to study the scene. You can also time her AND count strokes. She should try to complete the course faster and with greater accuracy with each attempt. Try to vary the distance from tee to hole by choosing holes that are further away, even if that means crossing over other greens.