Gross Motor Preliminary Instructions


Gross Motor Preliminary Instructions

Some activities require the equipment and materials outlined in this document. Review the document for now in preparation. You do not have to follow the instructions in this document if your activities do not require it.


PURPOSE: The following equipment and activities will be utilized at home, to implement the optometric developmental visual training program that we are preparing for your child.  Please do not concern yourself at this time with its function.  This aspect will be described at a more appropriate time.  Please see to it that these items, or pieces of equipment, are prepared and available prior to your training session.  Have your child help as much as possible in the planning, building and preparing of the material.  His participation in this regard is desirable.


1. JUMP BOARD: 1/2 sheet of 5/8″ plywood (2′ x 8′) with a cinder block placed under each end.  Firring strips may be used to box in the cinder blocks to keep the jump board from sliding.

2. WALKING RAIL: A 6′ to 10′ length of 2″ x 4″.  Be sure to brace or block the walking railing so it won’t tip over when using 2″ edge.  The length will depend upon the space available for its use at home.

3. BALANCE BOARD: Use 5/8″ plywood cut about 20″ x 20″ and a piece of 2″ x 4″ cut 4″ long to be screwed to the center of one surface of the plywood.

4. ROCKING BOAT: A piece of 3/16″ tempered masonite, cut 2′ x 4′, two 3-foot length of nylon cord and four large washers.  The masonite is bowed and held in shape by the cord.  The washers are used to absorb the pressure of the nylon knot against the masonite.

5. TRICKY BAR: A 1 1/4″ to 1 1/2″ diameter dowel suspended in doorway between two V-slotted hardwood blocks.  Suspend the tricky bar at the height of the child’s wrists when his hands are held above his head.

6. CHALKBOARD: Use tempered masonite and green chalkboard paint.  Optimum size is a full 4′ x 8′ sheet and the minimum size is 4′ x 4′.

7. Hopping Games, Skipping, Step on Crack, Shadows, Hopscotch.

8. Flashlight games and target practice with beanbag, ball, flashlight: Use two flashlights that have a half on switch position if possible.  This is desirable, but not critical.

9. One sponge rubber ball: Use one about the size of a soft ball or baseball, whichever size is available.

METHODS: Specific details relative to the use of the above materials will be supplied.

ASPECTS TO BE EMPHASIZED: The activities and equipment listed on this checksheet will be used to place emphasis on gross motor, postural and balancing organization.  Vision will be used to direct, predict or support purposeful actions, movements or operations.