Randolf Shuffle Tutorial

Randolf Shuffle is a sequence of simple body movements that are easy to do on their own, then combined to create more complex movements.

Do the exercises in the following sequence:

  1. Arms (each arm individually)
  2. Simple Compound Arm Sequences (alternating arms, both arms together)
  3. Legs (alternating legs)
  4. Simple Complex Sequences (one arm, one leg)
  5. Complex Sequences (two arms, one leg)

Watch these simple demonstrations to get a sense of what the movements are. The videos are produced at a rate of about 50 bpm, and this level should be fairly simple, if not too slow. If the client can master a sequence at this rate, load the task by increasing the rate by 5 or 10 bpm until you reach 80 or 90 bpm. Don’t be discouraged if you never get to this rate, consider it a goal to work towards, a motivator.

For children who have difficulty with laterality sense, avoid using the words ‘left’ and ‘right’. Use a long pointer, like a meter stick, and lightly touch the limb you want the child to move. If possible, touch the limb before she is done the last movement in order to keep the movement fluid and continuous.

Later, when the movements themselves seem to be mastered, introduce the laterality words as you touch the limbs with the pointer. So, touch the right leg and say “right leg” and have the child say “this is my right leg” as she moves it. Do one limb at a time, touch it and identify, move and identify, then return it to the resting position. Do not ‘touch and identify’ the limb early, rather wait until the limb is resting before you begin again; you can, however, do this as quickly as you can.

Move on and have the child go through all limbs in a given sequence, both limbs on the right, then both on the left. Change it to both left then both right. Mix them up: Right Arm, Left Leg, Left Arm, Right Leg; or, Right Arm, Left Arm, Right Leg, Left Leg. Play with it. Have the child set their own sequence. Throughout the activity, have the child name the limb as ‘left’ or ‘right’.

Next, have the child stand ready. Name a limb that the child will then move. Do single limbs only at first. Go as quickly as you can.

Move on to the complex movements. Again, start slowly, then go more quickly according to what the child is ready for. Have them push their own limits. As with the simple sequences, the therapist and child both should feel free to make new and challenging sets of complex movements.

The videos are collected by level of difficulty. These are starting points only and designed to present the ideal posture and movement and to give therapists some idea of how to build effective movement sequences.


As a coding exercise, have the child create symbols for each simple and complex movement. ‘Write’ out the sequences using the symbols and refer back to them later to see if the sequence can be ‘read’ and repeated. Try making the sequence as elaborate as possible using up to 50 steps (too many is tedious).

Loading Notes:

  • Arms are easier to move than legs.
  • Slow is easier than fast.
  • Ensure that at ALL speeds, the movements are smooth, well-controlled, and precise.
  • Naming ‘left’ and ‘right’ is harder than doing the exercise silently or by ‘pointing’ to the limb that is to be moved.