Hole in Cardboard




Hole in Cardboard

Purpose: To develop flexibility and control in the identification system of the eye

Apparatus: A sheet of cardboard or back of a school tablet with a 4″ diameter hole cut out of the center.  Cut out letters of the alphabet (or small interesting pictures for a preschooler) and paste them randomly on one surface.  White cardboard will give greater contrast and is therefore desirable.


1. The patient is to hold the cardboard in both hands, with the letters (or pictures) facing himself, at his normal reading distance.  It should be elevated sufficiently so that the patient can look through the hole in the cardboard and see a distant target such as a TV or a calendar on the wall with small but readable numbers.

2. The home assistant instructs the patient to look from the far target to a letter (or picture) on the near target, then back to the far target, etc.  The home assistant should select letters on the cardboard in such an order as to spell out words or names, or have the patient select a word to be spelled out in this manner.

3. Gradually decrease the distance of the cardboard from the eyes to about 6″.

Aspects to be Emphasized:

1. Ability to look quickly and accurately from distant to near target and back.

2. Ability to see each target clearly, immediately.

3. Attempt to learn the letter (or picture) pattern and be able to predict where all the letters are before looking from far to near targers.  Minimize the search, by peripheral prediction of where to look.