Rotations – Tactile Visual





Rotations – Tactile Visual

Purpose: To develop, through contact of hand on target, the feeling of arm leading eye movement

Apparatus: Balance board, small target like a pencil eraser


1. Patient should stand on balance board with feet spread and with good posture.

2. Assistant is to move target in slow circles from a few inches in diameter to about three feet in diameter within patient’s arm length. Make circles at all angles–flat in front of patient, toward and away from him, and at angles to him.

3. Patient is to hold pencil or a pointer in hand (same side as eye being trained), and touch the home assistant’s target.  Patient should feel he is leading the target, rather than following it.  Hold arms straight out.  If this is too difficult, permit patient to grasp target between thumb and forefinger, then just touch target with forefinger.  Eventually proceed as first described.

4. Watch the eye for jerky movements, hesitancy, or cutting corners on the circle.  Watch the pointer for loss of contact on target.

5. If the rotation is irregular in one particular area, go back and forth over the area without doing a complete rotation.  Spend equal time doing rotations to the right and to the left with each eye.

6. HEAD MUST BE FIXED–NO head movement

Aspects to be Emphasized:

1. The most important aspect of this activity is the development of the feeling that the arm and hand are LEADING the eye.  This must be stressed to the subject during this activity.

2. Smooth eye movement and accurate pointer contact on target.

3. Good balance on balance board.

4. Awareness of the rest of the room and stability of the visual background.


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