262 bdpq Sorting 263 bdpq Matching Chart 1 264 bdpq Sorting Chart 2
See Also:
Introduction: Don’t let the names confuse you, bdpq and pdbq are indeed variations on the same exercise. They are, however, different and approach the activities somewhat differently, so you should consider them to be separate exercises. 262 bdpq Sorting is likely an easier task to begin with and so may be a better place to start for some children.
Regardless of what you call it, these are excellent exercises to develop numerous vsa and vmi skills, but will almost certainly ensure that the child/client no longer has any doubts about what a b, d, p, or q look like. Always endeavour to maintain a fairly challenging pace while doing this activity, but never push so hard it is no longer any fun.
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262 bdpq Sorting
Purpose: To practice quick, accurate visual-verbal recognition of likes and differences simultaneously
Apparatus: Letter charts (provided), metronome, balance board
1. Place the letter chart:
a. in normal reading position, or
b. at eye level on the wall or window.
2. Patient is to touch and name each letter in turn, in time with the metronome beat. Vary the rhythm.
3. He is to touch and name any two, and then three, letters. For example, touch and name all b’s and p’s or all d’s, p’s and q’s.
4. Patient is to use preferred hand, then the other hand. Also use alternate hands on each step.
5. Repeat these activities without the use of hands.
6. He may vary the procedure by saying the letter sounds (buh, duh, puh, kuh) instead of the letter names.
7. He touches and names all letters that make the “buh” sound (or “duh” or “puh”).
8. When an error is made in a line, repeat the line.
9. Work from left to right, but occasionally work from top to bottom, or bottom to top.
Aspects to be Emphasized:
1. Ability to name the letters accurately and in rhythm with the metronome.
2. Ability to do this with and without the use of hands.
3. Ability to do this seated, standing, or on the balance board.
4. Use the metronome only when naming and touching each letter in turn. Do not use it when naming only certain selected letters.
You will need to download and print these documents:
- • Use the metronome to speed things up. Always begin with an easy tempo, then work with the child/set a target for the next session.
- • With the pointing exercises, try using the non-dominant hand up to 10% of the time, like once every 10 lines, or for one minute every ten minutes.
- • Alternate patching, first the right eye, then the left eye. Do this for one to two minutes on each eye for perhaps three cycles.