Templates Geometric Form



Print off and read the attached document.

The instructions in the attachment to this activity are self-explanatory. If yo do not have a chalkboard, find a whiteboard and erasable markers. Heavier weight corrugated cardboard is best for creating drawing templates, but can be difficult to work with so be careful. Adults only should be cutting heavy cardboard with sharp instruments.


PURPOSE: To give tactile, kinesthetic and auditory support to visual understanding of geometric form and to provide bridge between form perception and reading.

APPARATUS: Chalkboard, corrugated cardboard templates


1. Cut from 15″ x 10″ pieces of corrugated cardboard geometric forms about 5″ or 6″ in size.

Patient is instructed to:

1. Hold templates on chalkboard with NON-DOMINANT hand on body’s center line with form at nose level.  If holding with left hand, palm should be away and fingers pointing to the upper right.  Trace template, working up speed.  Also trace template centered on desk or table top (with pencil or crayon).  See “Proper Chalkboards Properly Used” for more information on correct posturing for this activity.

2. Shift template to various positions on chalkboard and desk, maintaining good body posture.

3. Now draw forms free hand, fast.  (Draw from model, from telling, from memory, from tracing in air or on child’s back).  Draw as fast as accuracy permits.

4. Also use templates for visual-tactile tracing with eye pursuit activity.  Home assistant is to trace form in air.  Patient is to select proper template from the group.  Now as he watched the tracing in the air, patient is to track simultaneously with finger in the template.

5. Next make objects out of forms.  Use circles to make cats or rabbits–squares to make buildings, etc.  Print the name of the picture under it, such as “CAT” or “HOUSE.”


1. In all tracing activities have youngster work toward accuracy and speed.  The faster the form can be traced the more of the total form will be felt, instead of a series of lines.

2. Good body and hand postures, as described in “Proper Chalkboards Properly Used.”

3. When making shapes and figures out of the geometric forms, discuss with the child the fact that the pictures, like the printed words which describe them, are symbols of the real things.  Whether we look at the word CAT or the picture of a cat, it doesn’t purr, feel warm and furry, etc. like the real one.  It only stand for the real thing.



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